I love doing seminars for parents with minor children! I feel so good about what happens – every time. Families come to my seminars sincerely wanting to make the right choices for their kids and wealth. And, I love hearing their own stories and providing whatever...
Year: 2008
Asking Why Parents Do Not Plan Leads to Surprising Answer
I have often wondered why parents don’t do the obvious when it comes to naming guardians for their kids. I mean, it’s a no brainer that parents love their kids and want what’s best for them. Most parents would agree that planning is essential and that it should be...
My kids and I just returned from a visit to San Diego where we spent an amazing week visiting Legoland, Sea World (Shamu Rocks!), and the San Diego Wild Animal Park. If you haven’t been to all of them, it’s worth it (although, I have to say that my girls were a...
What Does It Mean To Have Your Own Personal Family Lawyer?
Since I started practicing law about 15 years ago, I knew that this was my calling. I wanted to help families with the most important decisions they could make regarding protecting their family in the event of the unthinkable, and I took great satisfaction from...
The Rest Of The Story…
Last week, I promised to tell you more about the trip with my girls to San Diego and some of the great outings we had there. While my goal for the weekly newsletter is to bring uplifting stories and tips for successful living, sometimes, it just isn’t possible. This...
Your Mother Was Right… But Didn’t Tell You The Whole Story!
If your Mother ever told you to always wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident, she was right. That advice has saved face for countless now-adults who developed good habits from Mom’s words of wisdom. But let’s think about this for a bit: If my wife and I...