Whether you have a lost a spouse or partner through divorce or death, being thrust into singlehood can be an emotionally and financially jarring experience. To get yourself back on firm footing, at least financially, follow these five steps: Finalize financial...
Personal Family Lawyer
How to Prepare Your Heirs to Receive, Protect and Grow Their Inheritance
When we think of vast family wealth, most of us know the name Cornelius Vanderbilt, the railroad and shipping scion of one of the richest families in America in the 19th century. When he died in 1877, he left a fortune of $100 million — more than the U.S. Treasury...
What To Do With Your Estate Plan Before You Travel
Consider Your Estate Plan Before You Travel We are fast approaching the holidays, when travel is the busiest and careful planning is necessary to nab the best airfare or book that New Year’s beach cottage before it slips away. One thing that is probably not on your...
How to Care for Children with Special Needs Through Estate Planning
For many people, the basics of estate planning are simple enough, but for those families with loved ones who are disabled or have special needs, the estate planning process is more involved – and definitely more critical. The latest statistics show that five percent...
The 10 Keys to Planning and Living Your Best Retirement
The 10 Keys to Planning and Living Your Best Retirement Have you ever noticed how long vacations or even three day weekends give us all the tiniest snippet of a glimpse into what retirement might be like…i.e., extra time to do what we want. But to have a fulfilling...
Why You Should Get Your Kids an Estate Plan
We are fairly certain the last thing your 18-year-old kid is thinking about is an estate plan. And you are probably not thinking about one for them either, but you should be. Here’s why: once your child turns 18, you are no longer entitled to know about their...
Does Your Teen Driver Make You Nervous?
Make a Contract With Your Teen Driver This Summer It’s summer and that means more teen drivers on the road. Statistics show teens have twice as many accidents during the summer as any other time of the year, and alcohol is often a contributing factor. Researchers say...
Estate Planning Is Not a One Time Thing
For Estate Planning, There is No Fix –It-And-Forget-It It’s hard to believe that people who spend a lifetime working hard to accumulate wealth spend little or no time planning for what will happen to it after they pass, especially if children are in the picture. Yet...
When It Comes to Inheritance, Treating Children Equally Not Always the Best Plan
While most parents have the inclination to treat all their children equally when it comes to an inheritance, I know that this is not always the wise choice. Here are some scenarios when an unequal distribution may be better: Children of unequal wealth – If you have...
Does your Estate Plan Address your e-Assets?
Each day, new technology is introduced and adopted into our daily lives. For example, it is hard to imagine that the iPhone® was first introduced to us in 2007. Five years later, most of us have either adopted it or an android cellular phone into our daily...