Special needs lawyers in Encino always look for the most effective ways to protect their clients’ assets, while at the same time ensuring that they get the level of care needed in order to live fulfilling lives. One of the ways Encino special needs lawyers do this is...
Special Needs
3 State Benefits Available for Children with Special Needs
Children with Special Health Care Needs, as defined by the Social Security Act, are eligible to receive a number of government benefits to pay for their care, services, and medical aid. There are many ways a child can qualify as a Child with Special Health Care Needs...
When a Trust Isn’t an Option: Planning for Your Loved One with Special Needs
Special needs trusts are great tools for families that want to protect assets and give their loved one with special needs an enhanced quality of life. The truth is, however, that special needs trusts are not always the best solution. This is due to factors based on...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Special Needs Trust Funds | Los Angeles County Special Needs Lawyer
Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) are established to protect money and property for individuals with special needs while allowing them to receive public benefits. A Trustee is named to make financial decisions regarding the Special Needs Trust (such as purchases) but must...
Encino Special Needs Lawyer: Funding a Special Needs Trust After You Die
If you have a loved one with special needs and want to fund a Special Needs Trust (SNT) for him or her after your death, there are plenty of options for you to do so. However, funding a Special Needs Trust should be done under the strict guidance of an attorney...
Encino Special Needs Lawyer: Financial Guardianship and the Autistic Adult
Autism is a spectrum, and everyone who falls on that spectrum is unique. Some will grow to be adults who can generally function in the world, make decisions on their own behalf, and effectively communicate them. Others cannot. However, all adults who reach the age of...
Practical Tips for Special Needs Planning
In honor of “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month,” proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in March 1987, this month’s issue of The ElderCounselor™ examines the unique planning requirements of families who have loved ones with special needs. Understanding the...
When It Comes to Inheritance, Treating Children Equally Not Always the Best Plan
While most parents have the inclination to treat all their children equally when it comes to an inheritance, I know that this is not always the wise choice. Here are some scenarios when an unequal distribution may be better: Children of unequal wealth – If you have...