While most parents have the best intentions when it comes to teaching their children about handling finances wisely, sometimes the lessons don’t take. In addition to concerns about spendthrift behavior, some children experience problems with substance abuse or have...
Kids Protection
Does anyone still spank children?
Pediatrician Dr. Bill Sears is the author of more than 30 books on childcare, has appeared on dozens of national talk shows, provides medical and parenting guidance for Parenting and BabyTalk magazines, received his pediatric training at Harvard Medical School’s...
Another Actor’s Estate Plan Screwed Up By His Lawyer
Oscar-winning actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s will has been filed for probate and provides a cautionary tale when it comes to estate planning mistakes. Here are four things he could have done to correct them: Create a Revocable Living Trust. Hoffman was a public...
How Much Does A Will Cost?
How Much Do You Charge for a Will? If you came to this page to find out what I’ll charge you for a Will or you are considering calling me (or any other attorney) to ask, “How much do you charge for a will?” stop. It’s not the right question. The question you need an...
What To Do With Your Estate Plan Before You Travel
Consider Your Estate Plan Before You Travel We are fast approaching the holidays, when travel is the busiest and careful planning is necessary to nab the best airfare or book that New Year’s beach cottage before it slips away. One thing that is probably not on your...
When It Comes to Inheritance, Treating Children Equally Not Always the Best Plan
While most parents have the inclination to treat all their children equally when it comes to an inheritance, I know that this is not always the wise choice. Here are some scenarios when an unequal distribution may be better: Children of unequal wealth – If you have...
Who Cares For Ya, Baby? (Client Care Program Information)
If you are too young to remember Kojak’s (Telly Savalas’ tv series) famous line, “Who loves ya, Baby?” then, you may not get my question, but no matter.. . It’s a quote just too fitting for me to let you know about our improved Client Care Membership Program. (It’s...
Can I Name Separate Guardians For My Children?
Absolutely. The easiest part is setting it up legally (naming guardians). The toughest part – and the biggest hindrance to parents to get it done – is WHO to name. If you are divorced and have children from a previous marriage plus have children together – or any...
Estate Planning is more than who gets what at death
–Written by Gerry Kane Beyond the Allocation of Assets Estate planning is about much more than just deciding who gets what in the event of your death. It’s also about avoiding unnecessary taxes, and in the event that you have minor children, making sure that custody...
“Plan… Plan… Plan… I Can’t Say It Enough”
You’ve heard me time and time again stress the importance of planning. It doesn’t matter the size of your estate, whether you’re single or married, you have to plan. You have to plan for estate taxes, who your guardians and healthcare agents are going to be and you...