There are few things more difficult than having a parent suffer through the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s disease. It places a severe emotional, physical, and financial drain on everyone involved, and often leaves caregivers feeling like they have no options. At...
Elder Care
Transitioning an elderly parent to an assisted living facility in Los Angeles County
Moving to an assisted living community no matter how it’s needed, is never an easy transition for elderly parents. Most do not want to leave the home they’ve known for years to move into unfamiliar surroundings, especially if they consider it to be a loss of...
California Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
End-of-life issues are never easy to talk about, but the fact is that they must be discussed when an elderly parent is ill and facing certain quality of life concerns. Prolonging life through the use of ventilators and feeding tubes is a scenario that few want to...
Managing Elderly Parents’ Finances in Los Angeles County
Managing money and finances is difficult at any age, but senior citizens in Los Angeles County are especially vulnerable to financial problems brought on by an inability to adequately care for their own affairs. If this happens, seniors may find themselves with their...
Encino Elder Lawyers: Plan Ahead to Remove Stress When Searching for an Assisted Living Facility
Encino Elder lawyers deeply understand how choosing an assisted living facility for a loved can be a tough and very emotional experience. There are so many factors to take into consideration, such as the high cost of care, the amenities that your loved one needs or...