Do You Need A Power Of Attorney?
It can be difficult to face the practical, sometimes cruel, realities of aging. Yet it can also be heartbreaking, time-consuming, and costly to prove mental incapacity and establish decision-making powers on behalf of a disabled or elderly loved one who is no longer able to make their own financial and medical decisions.
At Law Offices of Gerald L. Kane, we appreciate both the emotional difficulty and legal importance of planning for your and your loved ones’ future health care and potential incapacity to make day-to-day decisions.
Gerry Kane, the compassionate and knowledgeable Los Angeles powers of attorney lawyer at Law Offices of Gerald L. Kane, is dedicated to protecting your family’s legal rights through effective appointment of power of attorney (POA) and the creation of other estate planning tools, across all stages of life and generations. Call 818-905-6088 to schedule an appointment.
How It Works
A power of attorney is an important part of a comprehensive estate plan. It is the right of an appointed person, usually a trusted family member, to manage the interests and property of a disabled or aging person and make decisions on his or her behalf, to his or her benefit. A medical power of attorney is often granted together with an advanced health care directive or living will intended to outline wishes for life medical treatment and health care.
If you have had your power of attorney drafted by another law firm or simply found a form online to fill out yourself, your POA may not be comprehensive enough to allow for proper Medi-Cal and Veterans benefit planning. At our law firm, we will review your documents and, if needed, draft a power of attorney that correctly protects your interests.
To avoid abuse, a power of attorney can only be granted while the person granting decision-making powers has the mental ability to do so. The power of attorney can be immediately available or become effective once your elderly or disabled loved one has been determined to have lost this ability.
In situations where your loved one lost mental capacity before appointing power of attorney, we can assist in seeking guardianship or conservatorship, which grants essentially the same powers to make medical and financial decisions.
Call Our Law Firm
To discuss how we can help put your mind at ease about the future, please contact our San Fernando Valley elder law attorney to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation initial consultation at Law Offices of Gerald L. Kane. You can also call 818-905-6088.
In addition to our regular office hours, we offer weeknights and weekends appointments upon request. We look forward to listening to your concerns and finding the best legal solutions to meet your needs.