Well, Karen did NOT disappoint me on my birthday! If you read my last post, I told you she left before me to visit her family in Israel, and I joined her right before my birthday and our 1st year wedding anniversary.
She told me she had several yet-to-be-revealed “gifts” for me when I got there.
WOW! Besides the camel ride (see picture), the hot tub in the cave, romantic dinners (she had a chef come in and prepare us an 8-course meal. It was incredible! She surprised me by finding a gorgeous man-made rock cave, which had all the modern amenities. Inside was our own private 6 person jacuzzi that was also built nto it’s own cave-like cove. It was a fun, VERY unique evening to be sure!
Again… Wow… I have an amazing wife who really knows how to make anything an adventure.
Hey! Help me out! Send me some ideas that will WOW HER for her birthday coming up in May!!! I’m getting better, but I want to at least “top” her ONCE! (smile!) So, tell me your story or send me your ideas! PLEASE! 🙂
Things are pretty much back to normal in the office, and we’re already into a great January with all the presentations we have scheduled. Hey! If you have not already done your planning, I will pay you $25.00 if you will just spend one hour with me tomorrow night at 7:30pm and feel it was not worth your time. You will not be disappointed! Learn how to keep your money in your pocket and out of the government’s! Click here to register now.
Stay tuned for the article this week which is a higher level of Estate Planning which is what I’m hoping for you, your family, your business.. your LIFE! Make 2012 the year that you commit to making that step to getting your financial house in order!
Until next time,