A Special Needs Trust can be established by a parent to preserve the child’s government benefits, enhance the childs qualify of life, provide a system of adequacy and address the child’s ongoing ‘life’ issues.
How does the special needs trust preserve government benefits?
A child with a disabilty at age eighteen is going to be eligible to receive social security income (SSI). To qualify for SSI you must have less than $2,000 in assets and limited income. Prior to the age of 18, the parents income is deemed to the child and therefore most children will not qualify. At age 18, parental deeming stops, and then the disabled child can qualify for SSI
SSI is designed to pay for food and shelter and provides a monthly benefit in 2009 of _________. Some states add an additonal benefit. For example in California the total monthly benefit is __________. Even with this combined benefit, the monthly stipend is not going to