Law offices of Gerald L. Kane | A Life Care Planning & Elder Law Firm

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Helping You Protect Your Loved Ones And Your Legacy

Shooting Myself In The Foot

This week, I’ve been taking an inventory, so to speak, of how I’m doing with my New Year’s Resolutions. My main Resolution was to say, “Yes, I can!” more often, stepping outside my comfort zone and being more open to new things.

To be honest, I think I’ve done pretty well. But I’m not perfect. I have probably missed some opportunities, some I’m sure of and some I will never know what I could have realized had I said, “Yes!”

In considering my progress, I’m satisfied that I am making positive steps to changing my attitude to be more adventurous and open to all that the “Universe” has to offer me and my family. It’s been a lot of fun!

But, then, I thought about all the people that I ask to take a little bit of time out of their busy lives to come to my seminars where I teach them valuable information about how to protect their children if the unimaginable happened to them. Maybe they have felt the same way. “I know I need to take care of this, but I’m too busy, and Gerry interrupted me when I wasn’t ready to think about this! But I’ll get around to it… someday.”

If this is you, and you are not ready right this minute to think about it, then, let me ask a favor: Put on your calendar a date in the very near future when you WILL take the time to think about who you want to raise your children – and how – if you were not around to do it. Think about how you can protect your kids’ inheritance from divorce or lawsuit and how you will leave behind your most valuable asset: who you are and what’s important to you.

So, put down a date when you will give these matters your full attention. I hope that the date will include a couple of hours to come to one of my FREE seminars. If the date you chose to think about it is tomorrow or next Sunday, then, sign up here, and I’ll see you there! You’ll be glad you took the time to do it now. Peace of mind is… well, priceless!

