This past week, I went to the Chamber of Commerce’s Taste of Encino event. It was a lot of fun! Not only did I meet some great people who were interested in naming guardians for their kids, I had some time to walk around and enjoy it a little as well (did I mention I had a booth?).
They had a very nice Arts & Crafts Fair (we have some very talented artisans in Encino!), a Health & Wellness Pavillion, and an impressive Disaster Preparedness Expo. And a lot of the local restaurants had food and beverage so that we could really get an idea of what all is available in the Encino area – and I’m talking about good food! They also had a lot of things for the kids to do.
I really like to do things like that because I think sometimes it’s easy to take our town for granted a little bit (and our country, too, for that matter) and not appreciate all the resources we have available to us.
There are a few things that I’ve picked out that I really love about Southern California, and I’ve made up my mind that, when I see one of them, I will never take it for granted that I live in such a beautiful place. For example, there is a drive I take that is pretty ordinary until I turn a curve. Then… suddenly, I am totally assaulted by one of the most spectacular views I’ve ever seen, from as far as you can see in either direction, a cliff jutting out into the ocean and a spray of Catalina Island’s profile. I always let it take my breath away because it really is so beautiful. And I always remind myself to never fail to appreciate it.
What gives you that feeling? I hope you’ll take some time to think about these things and keep them for those times you may need to pull one close like a blanket when the world seems a little cold (or is downright awful!).
Have a great week!
Taylor’s dance classes has landed her the role of the Baker’s Assistant in the Nutcracker AND the understudy for The Party Girl. I’m so proud!