How Much Do You Charge for a Will? If you came to this page to find out what I’ll charge you for a Will or you are considering calling me (or any other attorney) to ask, “How much do you charge for a will?” stop. It’s not the right question. The question you need an...
Year: 2013
What To Do With Your Estate Plan Before You Travel
Consider Your Estate Plan Before You Travel We are fast approaching the holidays, when travel is the busiest and careful planning is necessary to nab the best airfare or book that New Year’s beach cottage before it slips away. One thing that is probably not on your...
How to Care for Children with Special Needs Through Estate Planning
For many people, the basics of estate planning are simple enough, but for those families with loved ones who are disabled or have special needs, the estate planning process is more involved – and definitely more critical. The latest statistics show that five percent...
Taking the Complexity Out of Estate Planning
Remember that old joke: How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time. At the heart of that gag is the truth about how you tackle any seemingly complex task, taking it one step at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself. Many people neglect to create an...
The 10 Keys to Planning and Living Your Best Retirement
The 10 Keys to Planning and Living Your Best Retirement Have you ever noticed how long vacations or even three day weekends give us all the tiniest snippet of a glimpse into what retirement might be like…i.e., extra time to do what we want. But to have a fulfilling...
New Rules For Same-Sex Marriage
Windsor Ruling Expands Estate Planning Prospects for Married Same-Sex Couples In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Windsor invalidated the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The Windsor ruling has led to a number of recent federal rule...
Is It Time To Kick Your Kid Off The Couch?
How to Get Your Boomerang Kid Off Your Couch & Ensure He Becomes an Adult You Are Proud to Say You Raised A recent Economist article says a “perfect storm” of the poor economy of the past few years, resulting in fewer job prospects for college grads and other...
Divorce After 50: Common Mistakes That Can Ruin Retirement
Beyond the emotional impact that divorce can have on couples of any age that decide to split, it can have a potentially devastating effect on the retirement plans of those who divorce later in life. Divorce after 50 usually results in a loss of income for both...
7 Steps for Effectively Managing an Inheritance
Research shows that a majority of baby boomers will receive an inheritance at some time during the lives, with the average inheritance estimated at almost $65,000. Should you be the recipient of family largesse, here are 7 steps you can take to be sure your...
7 Good Reasons You Need An Estate Plan
7 Good Reasons You Need An Estate Plan — Even If You Only Have $500 in the Bank Contrary to popular belief, estate planning is not just about money or taxes. Far from it. Today, it’s more about protecting your assets for yourself and your loved ones, achieving your...