Last week, I got a call from a professional organizer, Sasha Lauren. I’m sure you’ve all heard about people who can come into your home or office and show you how to get things clean and organized and how to keep it that way. Sasha is a little different in that she...
Year: 2008
Hey! Why DIDN’T We Get A Manual?!!!
One of the things I really enjoy about being a Personal Family Lawyer is the networking I get to do and meeting new people whose missions are similar to mine (helping families). If you remember my “corner” from a couple of weeks ago, I told you about my having a booth...
Viva Las Vegas
We just returned from a trip to Vegas. Taylor, Hailey and I drove over for a Jonas Brothers concert. Thousands of screaming 12 to 15 year old girls made a memory for my daughters, but for me? Well, I’m being fitted for my hearing aid next week. (smile) Las Vegas is...
Grandma Rose
Has it been 3 weeks since I last wrote?!!! It has been such an extremely busy time, and unfortunately, last week, I had to say goodbye to another family member who was so wonderful and special to me. So, this is dedicated to my Grandma Rose who passed away November...
My Favorite Halloween
Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful Halloween this evening! Someone asked me this week what the most fun Halloween I’ve had, and of course, what came to mind was the Halloween of 1999. We always go “all out” on Halloween and have a lot of props...
Taking Time To Smell The Roses
This past week, I went to the Chamber of Commerce’s Taste of Encino event. It was a lot of fun! Not only did I meet some great people who were interested in naming guardians for their kids, I had some time to walk around and enjoy it a little as well (did I mention...
Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
I have been listening to an audio book in my car on the way to work each morning, and it seems that there is a pattern of what I’m hearing with regard to the economy and such. It is that my having “Success Through Positive Mental Attitude” can and does change my life...
Family Feuds Can Happen In The Best Of Families
Family Feuds can happen in the best of families and sometimes occur in the worst of times. When they do, they have the power to rip your family apart, plunging you into a nightmare of bitterness and anger. Or, they can open the door to your greatest dreams. About two...
If You Need Help, Don’t Be Afraid To Ask
With Rosh Hashana, dance classes and tryouts for “The Nutcracker” (not me; my daughter, Taylor!), and my daughter Hailey’s IEP, it was such a busy week! I didn’t want to let the opportunity go by, though, without getting some timely information to you about what is on...
“Plan… Plan… Plan… I Can’t Say It Enough”
You’ve heard me time and time again stress the importance of planning. It doesn’t matter the size of your estate, whether you’re single or married, you have to plan. You have to plan for estate taxes, who your guardians and healthcare agents are going to be and you...